Sunday, June 7, 2009

Great Days!

The past few days have been really good, and something I have needed for a long time.

Yesterday, my friend and business partner Kara and I went clothes shopping for the Women's Expo that is on Thursday. I left the house around 9:30am, and didn't return until 5:15!!!! Robby had the kids, and Kara had her 2 month old, that only wanted me to hold him! That was so much fun!

We went to Ross, and found a few outfits and a pair of shoes there, then to her house so I could watch the baby for about an hour and eat lunch, then we went to Wal-mart. I found another outfit and another pair of shoes at Wal-mart. I love all of them! I bought 3 shirts, and 3 shirts that match! The shoes I bought from Ross are...get this...Guess! I have never owned a name brand shoe before. They were originally $99.00. But they were marked down to.........$8.49! Plus, they are 3 inch heels! I haven't worn heals since before Emily was born, and even then it was rare! But surprisingly they are comfortable, and very cute!

The best part of the whole shopping day...I didn't spend a penny on any of the clothes or shoes I purchased! The business bought them all because we needed a business outfit for the expo, and since the prices were so great, we each ended up with 3 outfits complete with at least one pair of shoes! I love shopping when it's not my money!!!!

Today I got to wear one of the new shirt sets to church and I felt really good! I even curled my hair today! I know, don't fall over! Since today was my first day not in the nursery, I dropped of Nathan without even walking into the nursery. He walked in and didn't even look back. I felt a little hurt, but proud at the same time, that he loves nursery and is ready to be away from me. Robby and I got to be together for Relief Society/Priesthood because the bishop had us watch Elder Bednar's talk that he gave to the Young Adults a few weeks ago. He talked about not becoming addicted to the computer, especially gaming and alternative worlds within the gaming community. Robby and I had a good talk about how I feel when he talks more to his "computer buddies" than to me, and I think it will get better from here. Then I got to participate in Sunday School and not once did we talk about being happy, or thankful for our ears, or since 5 Little Monkeys! As much as I love all that stuff, it was SOOOOOOOO nice to talk big people today, and be taught. I missed being in nursery with all the great people and kids, but I really appreciated being able to listen to a lesson.

I got to take a nap today! After my nap, I cleaned an area in the family room for the new computer Robby built for the kids to keep them off mine. Emily and Nathan were glued to it for the half hour between when it was set up and when we ate dinner. It will be so nice not to have Emily bugging me to use my computer while I'm working on it for the business!

After dinner we went and picked up Jessica and Allison over at my mom's house and we went to the temple. This was Allison's first time walking around the temple. It was fun to watch her look around at all the new things she was experiencing. Plus, of course we got some great pictures of her and my kids. I have decided however that I like taking Nathan to walk around the temple grounds when it is dark outside, because he can't see as much, and isn't always running off to explore something new! Emily and Nathan always love going into the Visitor's Center to watch the presentation with the Christus, and tonight we got to hear it in English and Spanish. I love to watch my kids' faces as they look up to Christ with such love in their eyes. That is a picture that will always stay in my mind, and a camera will never be able to capture.

1 comment:

  1. Kim, your kids are so cute! Those are some great pictures!
