Monday, June 29, 2009

Super mom...

Well, sort of. I finally got around to putting the kids clothes away. I know I'm bad at house work, but I'm TERRIBLE at putting the kids clothes away. I have so many excuses for why I don't put them away each week...they wear so many clothes, they are small and have small hangers, why hang them up when they're going to go through a few changes of clothes a know...all the valid excuses. The kids are always excited when they have clothes in their closets, so that should motivate me more often. I'm usually really good about putting Robby's and my clothes away, but the kids just pile up on Nathan's bed. So, I decided to take a picture and post it to show you one of my many weaknesses. :) Maybe this will convince me to keep it clean now that you know how bad I am. LOL!


  1. I always say, "boring women have clean homes". Laundry never ends! I hate it!

  2. Oh I can comiserate there. I used to keep piling my clothes up on the end of my bed which made for interesting nights on a waterbed full of clothes. I finally kicked myself and the clothes off, and have so far beat the habit.

  3. Hey there. I just found you on Malissa's blog and thought I'd say hi. I so know about laundry- especially having to hang it up. Oh the joys of motherhood! Glad to see you're doing well!
